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Maximum A Posteriori Resampling of
Noisy Seabed Data

By John Goff1, Chris Jenkins2 and Brian Calder1
1. University of Texas Institute for Geophysics, Austin TX
2. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder CO
3. Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping and Joint Hydrographic Center,
University of New Hampshire, Durham NH

Data on the seafloor bottom type is characteristically noisy. This is due to many factors: strong patterns of variability are generally spatially undersampled, diverse kinds of samplers and then analysis are used, measurements often have wide uncertainty margins, the sediments are quite variable in geologic and biologic components, and there is little discipline in the way data is reported.

The noise shows in interpolated griddings as localized positive and negative spikes, often attributable to one or two data points. The presence of noise spikes in seafloor datasets like dbSEABED has caused discussion about the real variability of the seafloor, which in some regions is uniform and in others quite heterogeneous. This can depend on the amount of sedimentation taking place, biologic inputs, and oceanographic forcings.

Whenever the spikes are due to wide margins of error (uncertainty) in measurements or sediment descriptions, they are undesireable in griddings. Suppressing them without unduly affecting the real and natural variability is an important goal for grid map generation from datasets, particularly from aggregated  heterogeneous datasets like dbSEABED.

One way to make a distinction between real variation and noise is when a-priori uncertainty values are available for the data points. In the case of dbSEABED data, such uncertainties are estimated using meta-information on sampler and analysis type, fitness of those, software processing (e.g., parsing and analysis of word-based descriptions; Jenkins and Goff subm.), etc. The uncertainty is given as a +value in the units of the measurement.

The resampling method computes a geostatistical field mean surface and variance, then compares the location of each sample value and uncertainty bracket to the local field values. The mean value and uncertainty at that point are adjusted ('resampled') on the basis of local field (conditional, kriged) values and variances. Each new value contributes to recalculation of the local field. About 20 points are required at each local estimate. Notice that the method is not a filtering, though visually it appears to have a similar effect. Instead the point data are adjusted to values that compromise between the ranges of the local field variance and point uncertainty.

The appropriate adjustment involves the PDF's (Probability Distribution Functions) of the local field from a kriging and of the data point to be adjusted. The intersection of the 2 PDF's forms the PDF of the adjusted output. This process does not have a unique outcome for any two points, and therefore may depend on the actual sequence that points are adressed in. To ameliorate this, a Monte Carlo selection of points is made.

The program output is in terms of an adjusted estimate of the mean value and uncertainty on each of the data points, and an interpolated grid of results across the map area.

Software Release
The software for resampling is available from HERE.

View the processing flow graphic here.
Use the readme file there to arrange the input data and software.
Check some example data, processed files and a GMT plotting script.

Questions may be sent to the author of the code, John Goff at UTIG.

Goff, J.A., Jenkins, C.J. & Calder, B. 2006. Maximum likelihood resampling of noisy, spatially correlated data. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7(8), Q08003,[doi:10.1029/2006GC001297, ISSN: 1525-2027].
1. Resampled grid interpolation of the Northern Adriatic sediment types.
This is output from the programs.

2. Ordinary kriging interpolation of the Northern Adriatic sediment types.
This is a product of usual interpolations.

adjust mu, sigma
3. The adjusted mean and uncertainty for a data point is marked to the overlap of the PDF's of the local field and input data values.
Phi grainsize units are logarithmic, -log2(grain size in mm).

Author: Chris Jenkins
Date: 8 Oct 2007
Location: Boulder

Copyright 2007, Univ Colorado