Global Seabed Google Earth Browser (Version 0.6 release, March 2022) Download then open: dbS_global.kml | ![]() |
To access the coverage
Figure 2: The Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea and Gulf of Alaska seabeds are dominated by sand (yellow) and muds (green) with scattered cells with dominant gravel (red) or rock (purple). Blank areas have yet to be sampled. Grey cells have data on parameters such as carbonate content, but not on texture. The next step is to click on and query individal cells. | ![]() |
Figure 4: Schematicof the Dominants2019 classification of seafloor substrates which is based on the dominant (most abundant) textural component. | ![]() |
![]() Figure 5: Example query result shown in a KML balloon. |
BIN: x,y are the counts of 1/10th degree cells on the globe from -180dg meridian and -90dg (south pole) ; q is the count of equatorial 1/10th degree cells around from the -180dg meridian. Lat,Lon: Midpoint latitude/longitude of the bin (WGS84 system) Water depths: Median (Max..Min) in metres Max..Min values are not shown if the same as the median value. Samples: The number of observations and samples Methods: Types of samplers / imagers / observations / probes DataSources: Internal dbSEABED database "collection:index" keys. The detailed information will be provided on request. Parameters: Coded: Parameter|number per treatment/type; repeated. {E=Extracted analysis or P=Parsed description} ) Note: Counts for Calculated/estimation results {C} are not shown. DominantBottomType: Dominants2019 class for sediment texture; single result. Syntax: [super-dominant XXX, dominant Xxx, subdominant (xxx)]; Example: "Snd=sand is dominant". Specific percentage thresholds apply. FolkCodes: Folk codes for sediment texture; repeated. Syntax: [(slightly x) y-ly Z]; Example: "(s)mG=slightly sandy, mudy, gravel". Specific percentage thresholds apply. The EMOD-BGS Folk classification is used. Rock | Gravel|Sand|Mud: RockExposure % | GravelContent | SandContent | MudContent % (Max..Min | Max..Min|Max..Min|Max..Min %) The GSM texture classes are by Wentworth Scale; note that due to CoDA effects, the statics on G:S:M may not total 100%, even though point and grid dbSEABED data do have CoDA closure - see HERE. Carbt|OrgCarbn: Median (Max..Min) % | Median (Max..Min) % Colours: Munsell Colour Codes (HueValue/Chroma; repeated) Compnts/Featrs: Component or feature|Median (Max..Min) %; repeated. |