Paleoglaciology of Alaska
Data Downloads:
Paleoglaciology of Alaska
At left are shown the eight target areas for this
project. Click on a project area, or scroll down this page to download:
Digital Elevation Models (DEM's):
- Projection and datum: UTM, NAD27
- Grid cell spacing: 60 m
- File format: ArcInfo GRIDFLOAT (.flt),
for importing into a variety of GIS programs
- Cannot be viewed with graphics programs
or web browsers
- Compressed .tar.gz file contains the DEM
(.flt), thumbnail image (.gif), header (.hdr), projection (.prj),
and metadata (.txt, .html) files
Shaded relief images:
- Geotif files can be opened in GIS and
graphics programs
- Depict elevation by both color and shading
(similar to Alaska at left
Please note:
- Read the metadata!
- .tar and .gzipped files can be uncompressed with a variety of
file utilities, such as Stuffit Browser
- Download the files using your web browser
BRW: Western
Brooks Range
brw_dem, a 60 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the western
Brooks Range
BRC: Central
Brooks Range
brc_dem, a 60 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the central
Brooks Range
BRE: Eastern
Brooks Range
bre_dem, a 60 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the eastern
Brooks Range
SEW: Seward
sew_dem, a 60 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Seward
PKR: Purcell
- Kokrines - Ray Mountains
pkr_dem, a 60 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the area
including the Purcell Mtns., Kokrines Hills, and Ray Mountains
YTU: Yukon
- Tanana Upland
ytu_dem, a 60 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the Yukon-Tanana
KUS: Kuskokwim
kus_dem, a 60 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the Kuskokwim
AHK: Ahklun
ahk_dem, a 60 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the Ahklun
and Wood River Mountains area
Paleoglaciology of Alaska