#======================================================= #SETUP file for CarboLOT runs: CJJ 9May2011 #======================================================= #Midway Atoll, Hawaiian-Emporer Chain DPotts work area) #Location initializations ------------------------------ prjA=["CHAG","Chagos Archip_LOT_VOLT_MODEL"] #Naming of the model (Only first entry is used) lolaA=[+071.30,-06.20] #Centre point for the model (lon/lat degrees) modlSZa=[20,20] #Size of the gridded map (X,Y rectangular; in gridcells) modlRESN=0.01 #Resolution of each cell (square in lat/lon degrees) showA=[8,10] #The map cell at which run-time screen display is given for debugging sectnA=[8,-1] #The section for drawing graphs and the strat sectn along #Time initializations ---------------------------------- tStart=0 Start datum (years) tStop=100 Run stop time (years) tStep=1 # (years) ie Annual - almost always the case tRept=20 #Step at which reports and maps are generated (years) tCompute=10 #Step at which burst computing cuts in (years) tBurstLen=8 #Max duration of the burst sampling (years) #Stock initializations ---------------------------------- sStart="equal" Startup type code #Choices... "equal","habisuit","random" # and ("pickup:filename" defaults to "equal") #Blank and # lines will be ignored in the parsing #Use tabs to separate data from trailing comments #Note: [,]," will be stripped out - but OK to use for formatting clarity #End----------------------------------------------------