ESRI ArcView 3.x (*.avl) and ArcMap 9.x (*.lyr) legends are available for use with
dbSEABED point, polygon and grid coverages, for properties, components and classifications.
Click on the URL to find a
file and save it to your local folder. In dbSEABED, legends
are usually stored inside the ..\_db9\_Legends folder.
The set here is only a
minimum. dbSEABED are encouraged to submit additional legends
to the collection. Legends for non-ESRI applications are also welcome. The set
given here can be used as temlplates to begin other legends for more parameters or color schemes.
Across the collaboration a common
livery for maps helps good communication with visuals. Thus:
gravel-red, sand-yellow, mud - green, silt - greens, clay - blues; rock
purple; carbonate blues, terrigenous - brown. Uncertainty
mappings are usually rendered in grey or red-blue shades.
Naming Convention The legend file names are formed as "parameter_topolSTEPvisual.filetype" as in: "Carbonate_pt20co.avl". The parts
stand for:
- Parameter (parameter_name)
- Point, Grid, or Polygon data topologies (pt, gd, py)
- Size of step in parameter value (e.g., 1, 20, N) (N
stands for not regular)
- Colour, or Size visual method of symbolizing (co, sz)
- Filetype as in *.avl for ESRI ArcView 3.x (or importing to 9.x), and *.lyr for ESRI ArcGIS 9.x or 10.x .
Legends for Coded Data Some legends represent coded data such as for Folk ('folk') codes and Dominance ('domnc', 'rgsm') codes.
(i) The Folk codes
are rendered as [012][012][012], with the '012' options representing
the [slightlyXly][Yly][Z] abundance classes (written as [(x)][y-ly][Z]
in Folk encodings). The XYZ are gravel (g,G), sand (s,S),
or mud (m,M). Example Folk codes are '(s)mG', 'S', 'mS', '(g)M'. The
places in the codes are reserved for the abundance classes. A maximum
of 3 components is allowed. Folk codes refer only to the loose or soft
sediments of a seafloor. There is no general agreement on which
classes are legitimate within the Folk scheme, and dbSEABED allows for
all possibilities within this syntax.
(ii) The Dominance scheme
provides an 'executive summary' type of display of the major bottom
types rock, gravel, sand, mud. This display has proven very popular
with fisheries and habitat projects. It is encoded as
[023][023][023][023] where [][][][] represent the rock, gravel, sand,
mud fractions. The '023' options stand for subjugate (not mapped),
dominant (>50%), and super-dominant (>66%) respectively. Example
codes are: "0003", "0200" for mud super dominant, gravel sub-dominant.
Note that places in the Domnc codes are reserved for the components
rock, gravel, sand, mud. Only one component can be represented.
of the coded nature of these data, no naive math or interpolation
operations should be done on the grids or on derived point data.
Download the Legend Files
| GRIDDED MAPS- Carbonate_gd20co.avl, CarbTerrig_gd20co.avl, Carbonate_gd20co.lyr
- Grainsize_gd2co.avl, Grainsize_gd2co.lyr
- Gravel_gd20co.avl, Gravel_gd20co.lyr
- lgShearStrength_gd1co.avl
- Mud_gd20co.avl, Mud_gd20co.lyr
- P-Velocity_gdNco.avl
- Rock_gd20co.avl, RockMshp_gd20co.lyr
- Sand_gd20co.avl, Sand_gd20co.lyr
- Sorting_gd1co.avl, Sorting_gd1co.lyr
- PointDens_gd2co.avl
| POINT PROPERTY MAPS - Carbonate_pt20co.avl
- Clay_pt20co.avl
- ColourMunsell.avl, Munsell3.avl
- FolkCCode_ptXco.avl
- Folkcode_ptNco.avl
- Grainsize_pt2co.avl
- Gravel_pt20co.avl
- MaxFaciesClass_ptNco.avl
- Mud_pt20co.avl
- OrgCarbon_ptNco.avl
- P-Velocity_ptnco.avl, PwvVelocity_ptnco.avl
- Porosity_pt20co.avl
- RockMembership_pt20co.avl, RockMembership_pt20sz.avl
- Sand_pt20co.avl
- Sorting_pt1co.avl
- Vegetation_pt20co.avl, Vegetation_pt20sz.avl
- figge_ptco.avl, figge_ptco_v2.avl
- lgCritShrStrs_pt1co.avl, lgShearStrength_pt1co.avl
- pntdns_p2co.avl
- uncert_pt2xco.avl, uncert_pt4xco.avl, uncert_pt5xco.avl, uncert_ptbco.avl
- Coral_pt20sz.avl, Coral_pt20co, CoralDebris_pt20sz.avl
- Shell_pt20sz.avl, ShellDebris_pt20sz.avl
- Corallnalg_pt20sz.avl, Halimeda_pt20sz.avl
- Oysters_pt20sz.avl, Oysters_pt20co.lyr
- Diatoms_pt20sz.avl, Radiolaria_pt20sz.avl
- Glauconite_pt20sz.avl
- Ripples_pt20sz.avl,
- Burrowing_pt20sz.avl
- Weed_pt20sz.avl
- Crb_py10co.avl, Crb_py10co.lyr
- domnc_pyCco.avl, Rgsm_pycco.avl, Rgsm_pyCco.lyr, domnc_pyCco.lyr, rgsm_gdCco.lyr
- folk_pyCco.avl, folkcode_pyXpa.avl, folkcode_pyXpa2.avl
- Grz_py1co.avl, grzsd_py1co.avl, Grz_py1co.lyr
- Gvl_py10co.avl, gvl_py20co.avl, Gvl_py10co.lyr
- Mud_py10co.avl, mud_py20co.avl, Mud_py10co.lyr
- Rck_py10co.avl, Rck_py10co.lyr
- Snd_py10co.avl, Snd_py10co.lyr
- Srt_py1co.avl, Srt_pyCco.shp.lyr
- Uss_py1co.avl, Uss_py1co.lyr