Winter Ecology Week II
Winter trek - 1950/60's?.  Photo source: Jim Snow.
Source & copyright notice

WEEK 1 | WEEK 2: Midweek, Sat, Sun | WEEK 3 | WEEK 4 | WEEK 5 |WEEK 6 | RETURN TO SYLLABUS
(Schedules etc. subject to modification)

Week II Wednesday

5:00p - Lecture -

** Announcement for the coming weekend: Take all personal gear home at the end of the weekend, others will be using the Lodge the coming week! **

Assignment for Saturday:
"A winter morphological adaptation in conifers are 'bordered pits' - what are these and how do they function?" (from the readings in Marchand) - not a written assignment, just be able to say what's up with these.

Additional Gear to Bring for this weekend --
for Saturday and Sunday field work

Saturday – 7 Feb 15  - LONG DAY – EARLY START

Current Weather & Forecasts --Niwot treeline (11,000') - CAIC 11,000' statewide forecast 

8:00a Arrival

8:15a - Lecture:

Link To:  WINTER VEGETATION FIELD DAY (Schedule, Readings, What to Bring)

Group Dinner Prep
6:00p –
Group Dinner

7:15p Link To:  EVENING PROGRAM:  Alpine Plant Community Dynamics in an Era of Rapid Global Environmental Change  Dr. Tim Seastedt, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology & INSTAAR, CU


Current Weather & Forecasts

** 7.25a ** – Leave for Allenspark and Wild Basin (RMNP)

7.25a – 4p Link To: WINTER ORNITHOLOGY FIELD DAY (Schedule, Readings, What to Bring)

4.00-5.00p - 

5:00p - Departure

N.B. Individual projects deadline Sunday evening:  Proposals and key references due  (Proposal Guidelines)

4:00p - Departure ** Take all personal gear home at the end of the weekend, others will be using the Lodge the coming week! **

Course website including all internal links © 2016 T. Kittel.  All rights reserved.  All copyrighted material on this website made available for limited educational use only (commerical use strictly prohibited).

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