Submit Abstract


Registration & Abstracts due
18 March 2016

How to submit?

Register First, Upon registering, you will be emailed a web page address (URL) for submitting your abstract.

Abstract Instructions

Overall process

The first step is to register. Upon registering, you will be emailed a web page address (URL) for submitting your abstract.

You will be cutting and pasting your abstract and other information, like author names, into several web forms. Do not bother using your word processor for special formatting; your form submission will be re-formatted automatically.

Text length ≤ 10K characters

Extended abstracts are encouraged and should be no longer than 10,000 characters including spaces (submit less text if you have many large figures). You have an additional 1500 characters including spaces for optional references, and additional caption text for one to three optional figures. Complex mathematical equations should be submitted as a figure.

References are encouraged, but optional.

Please don't forget that you can cite specific studies in your main text and include full references at the end of your abstract. There is a limit of 1500 characters, including spaces.

Figures are encouraged, but optional

Your one-to-three figures must be submitted in gif, jpg, or png image format (use .gif, .jpg, .png file endings). Sorry, no .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, etc.

Your figures might include data plots, data tables, maps, equations, or photographs (ie. fieldwork, labwork). If you have problems outputting to one of these formats, you may want to enlarge your figure and then capture your screen. When possible, figures should be at high resolution with the longest dimension at least 1000 pixels long (so printed version looks good). Figures might be reduced significantly on the printed page so please do not use very small font sizes.

Your checklist

The six pieces of information for you to assemble:

  1. Talk or Poster?. Decide which type of presentation you are requesting (there are limited slots for talks and we may ask a few folks to switch to posters).
  2. Author names should include full first names, last names, institutions, and emails (maximum of 8, if more than 8, please list the 8th as et al.)
  3. Title should be less than 300 characters including spaces.
  4. Main Text should be less than 10,000 characters, including spaces. Paragraphs should be separated with a blank line (two carriage returns). Do not indent your paragraphs.
  5. References should be separated with a blank line (two carriage returns). Format as below:

    Kirk, J. T., 1999, Partial thermal correction of the high-latitude stratosphere of Earth: Journal of Interplanetary Change, v. 364, p. 10254-10271.

    Vader, D., 1996, Successful "global warming" of Earth's atmosphere through remote neutrino bombardment: Empire Research, v. 666, p. 87-99.
  6. Figures should have file endings of .gif, .jpg, or .png; Maximum file size is 4Mb. You can submit up to three files.

Updating existing abstract

If you have already submitted an abstract and want to change something, visit the same web page address (URL) emailed to you upon registration. Only those changes made before the deadline will make it into the program.


Unsure about something? Please see our Questions page before emailing



See Registration Info »


shifting environmental baselines over decades to millennia and comparisons with the Antarctic

Please consider contributing to the optional Workshop theme by tying your presentation to changing environmental conditions in the Arctic. Also encouraged are documenting changes in and around Antarctica and comparing responses between the two polar regions.

What to submit?

New or previously presented research

Please consider presenting works-in-progress rather than completed studies. Your colleagues can provide feedback or share data while it still makes a difference. Most attendees will submit original research, but submitting a poster or talk that you have already presented at another conference is fine too... as long as it does not violate any agreement you made with the other conference.

First author or co-author

Making a presentation of a collaborative study for which you are not first author is also fine, as long as you made a substantial contribution and are familiar with all aspects of the study. We will not accept, however, two different attendees presenting exactly the same abstract (ie one person cannot give the talk and another person present the poster).

Talks vs Posters

Limited talk slots

Due to time constraints, there are limited slots available for talks. Slots will be allocated soon after the abstract submission deadline. Thus, a few Workshop attendees may be asked to change their talk to a poster presentation. The poster session is often the best part of the meeting; so please don't consider this as a second-class option.

Talk Instructions

Talk duration

We will post the exact talk duration after the abstract deadline. The exact duration depends on how many abstracts we recieve, but is likely to be in the 10-20 minute range. You'll need a few minutes for questions and transition to the next speaker.

PowerPoint or Apple Keynote files

We will accept presentation files in either of two formats: PowerPoint (PC or Mac) or Apple Keynote (Mac). You must transfer your presentation file onto one of our computers. If possible, please transfer during the evening Reception preceding the Workshop. Although there are additional opportunities to upload files the first morning of the Workshp and during breaks, these time slots are short. The most reliable method for transferring your file is a USB Flash Drive. For your presentation, use common system fonts or embed your fonts.

Sorry, no laptops for talks

You will not be able to use your laptop for your talk. Our past experience is that technical problems are more likely to happen and disrupt the meeting schedule. See the above paragraph on transferring files.

Need additional equipment or software?

Just let us know well in advance.

Poster Instructions

Poster Size

Posters should fit within a 4 ft x 4 ft area (1.2 m x 1.2 m). Horizontal space is limited, so posters cannot be more than 4 feet wide (1.2 m). Although vertical space is not limited, many folks create posters only 3 feet tall (1.0 m) to make them easier to see. Posters taller than 4 feet require too much looking up or crouching down.

Please put up your poster as early as possible, preferably the first morning of the Workshop. And take it down at the end of the Workshop. Your poster location will be given to you during check-in. Thanks.


Questions? Check our FAQ
or email us at

Supported by
The US National Science Foundation
Division of Polar Programs

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