
Please join our annual gathering of friendly arctic researchers, from novice students to veteran experts.

2020 Arctic Workshop - Spring workshop in Boulder.

2019 Arctic Workshop - Spring workshop in Stockholm. Tentative dates: 4-5 April 2019. The email contact for the 2019 event is arcticworkshop2019@gmail.com.

2018 Arctic Workshop - The 48th Annual International Arctic Workshop will be held April 5-6, 2018 on the campus of the University of Colorado, Boulder. See 2018 website. The email contact for the 2018 event is ArcticWS@colorado.edu.

2017 Arctic Workshop - The 47th Annual International Arctic Workshop was held March 23-25, 2017 on the campus of the University of Buffalo, New York. Visit the 2017 Website.

The 46th Annual International Arctic Workshop was held April 02-03, 2016 on the campus of the University of Colorado at Boulder.


Registration & Abstracts due
18 March 2016


“ARCTIC'S NEW NORMAL - shifting environmental baselines over decades to millennia and comparisons with the Antarctic

Please consider contributing to the optional Workshop theme by tying your presentation to changing environmental conditions in the Arctic.

Also encouraged are documenting changes in and around Antarctica and comparing responses between the two polar regions.



Friday Evening

Saturday All Day
Talks and posters

Sunday half day

Workshop will end by 2:00 PM Sun.

Open Topics

The Arctic Workshop is open to all interested in high-latitude environments, including the past, present, and future

Previous Workshops have included presentations on Arctic and Antarctic climate, atmospheric chemistry, environmental geochemistry, paleoenvironment, archeology, geomorphology, hydrology, glaciology, soils, ecology, oceanography, Quaternary history and more. For an example of past presentations, visit the 2014 Arctic Workshop website

View Abstracts »

Latest Research

The abstract deadline is 18 March. You can share your latest ideas and get valuable feedback

Unlike most meetings, you can present your very latest research. The abstract deadline is only two weeks before the Workshop! So you'll hear about entirely new studies as well as updates since AGU, GSA, and other meetings.

Submit Abstract »

Student Support

Obtain financial assistance to cover most of your registration, meals, and more

Assistance is available for a limited number of students from any country thanks to support from INSTAAR. Submit your abstract early; first come, first served.

Students will be provided with all the benefits of regular registration plus the following:

  • Discounted Registration Fee
  • Saturday Evening Student Party (open to all students)

Student Support »

Friendly Community

Mingle with friendly first-time and veteran participants in a nice location

Attendees like the Workshop so much they return again and again. And relaxed, informal interaction is fostered by the Workshop's modest size, high proportion of students, shared meals, and single-track schedule.

The Workshop will be held at the University of Colorado at Boulder. More specifically, the sessions will take place on the East Campus in the MacAllister building, which is part of INSTAAR's new home in the Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Complex (SEEC). MacAllister is located about 25 min walking distance from the Hotel and has convenient parking too.

Travel Info »


National Science Foundation's
Division of Polar Programs

NSF has a long tradition of supporting the Arctic Workshop.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website and in the Program & Abstracts volume are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


Sponsor & Host

Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research

University of Colorado at Boulder

INSTAAR's researchers uncover and communicate processes concerning earth and environmental systems—matters that are becoming ever more urgent as changes in climate and land use are felt worldwide.


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Ice sheet response to decadal-scale cold snaps? Simon Pendleton (top) and Sarah Crump sampling a moraine boulder in eastern Baffin Island for cosmogenic 10Be dating. August 2014. Photo: Jason Briner. Their research team is helping determine the sensitivity of the Laurentide Ice Sheet to abrupt climate change.

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Supported by
The US National Science Foundation
Division of Polar Programs

Sponsored and
hosted by