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Does Northeastern Cumberland Peninsula preserve a dateable pre-MIS2 moraine record – or NOT?

Kaplan, Michael R 1 ; Miller, Gifford H 2 ; Briner, Jason P 3 ; Young, Nicolás E 4

2 University of Colorado
3 University at Buffalo

Easternmost Cumberland Peninsula, especially the northeastern corner, is beyond or around the 0 m isobase, which is a distinguishing attribute given its location on southern Baffin Island. Hence, at least during the last glaciation, thick Laurentide ice did not cover the easternmost peninsula (Kaplan and Miller, 2003). Three other aspects are noteworthy of the easternmost Cumberland Peninsula's glacier history, which likely relate to the area being beyond the 0 m isobase. First, the area contains, as expected, weathered upland landscapes long studied by researchers, which of course included John Andrews; this was a typical region of focus for the minimum ice sheet model, but now is revealing insights into past ice sheet dynamics and paleoenvironments. Near mouths of fjords, deltas exist with shells that provide infinite 14-C ages. Second, the southeast corner of Cumberland Peninsula contains well-developed glacial cirques partially submerged below sea level that contain no ice at present, which John also studied. The cirques reveal that the southeast corner of the peninsula exhibited long-term or persistent alpine glaciation when sea level is below present. Third, and most important perhaps, a handful of 10-Be and 26-Al ages specifically on moraine boulders have been obtained that apparently date to before MIS2 (Steig et al., 1998; Miller et al. 2002).

A hypothesis is that exposure ages on moraine boulders around northeast Cumberland Peninsula that pre-date the earliest Holocene are not accurate, contain inheritance, and that ice overran the entire area during the LGM. And, ice overran the deltas that contain infinite 14C ages on shells. On the other hand, at two different sites, existing cosmogenic ages (albeit only a few) could be considered relatively coherent, and fall between ~50 and 40 ka, or they are MIS 2 in age. Moreover, at both sites, the pre-LGM dated moraines are outside the MIS2 and 1 dated moraines and no morphostratigraphy is inconsistent. Regardless of the answer to the hypothesis, easternmost Cumberland Peninsula has potential for pre-MIS2 glacier moraine records and can continue to be a site of future investigation.

Steig, E. J., Wolfe, A. P., and Miller, G. H., 1998, Wisconsinan refugia and the glacial history of eastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada: Coupled evidence from cosmogenic isotopes and lake sediments: Geology, v. 26, p. 835–838.

Miller, G. H., Wolfe, A. W., Steig, E. J., Kaplan, M. R., and Briner, J. P., 2002, The Goldilocks Dilemma: Big Ice, Little Ice, or "Just-Right" Ice in the Eastern Canadian Arctic: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 21, p. 33-48.

Kaplan, M. R. and Miller, G. H., 2003, Early Holocene delevelling and deglaciation of the Cumberland Sound region, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 115, p. 445–462.